I used to be cool... until I had kids. Then they made me turn in my dignity and gave me a minivan.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

30 Days of Friendship

FRIENDSHIP: friend·ship  /ˈfrendˌSHip/

   1. The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
   2. A relationship between friends.

  Lately, through the tragic occurrences in the world playing out before our eyes on the news, web and in our own lives, instead of dwelling on those tragedies, I have chosen to focus on the positives in my world.  To be aware of how very grateful I should be for the support and love I have in my friends. Some of them have been around for decades, some just a few years, but all of them have touched me in such a positive way that I can't help but thank the universe for sending them to me.

  But I also want to thank them directly.  However, I am what you would call "geographically-challenged", too far from many of my friends that a walk or drive over with a bouquet of flowers and a big HUG to show my appreciation (well, unless I pull a Forrest Gump and just keep run'in).  So, I am challenging myself to 30 Days of Friendship.

  30 days dedicated to spend a moment, every day, to show my love to all of the people who I have been lucky enough to call "friend". Near or far, in my small way, I will devote a breath or two to friendly gratitude; to enjoy laughter and hope.

  30 days of LOVE (friends or family or work mates)... call it an experiment in karma, but I wanted to make my time here on earth brighter. Even if it takes a million teeny-tiny steps, I will make each one count toward making this little life BETTER. And I think it all starts with gratitude. 

  And I issue the same challenge to you.  We can all seem to find the time for all of life's duties that are less than satisfying (cleaning, bills, errands, etc), but we don't always find the time for what makes this life so sweet...

  One friend a day.  One person who makes the days here on earth worthwhile.

  Ready? Set?  Love.

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